Sunday, October 23, 2005


porchwise said...

It'll probably boil down to a coin flip in the WH about who to invade next, Syria or Iran. In the short run they're probably both doomed but, in the long run, we're probably doomed to have our military in there forever, or at least until the '08 elections.

I can see how strongly you feel about this, seeing that you posted the same comment 5 times. LOL Just kidding.

But I do agree, that we will probably have to have a military presence there for a while. But we seem to be pulling our military out of Korea and other long standing places, so I guess we have to come up with others to occupy.


At 9:24 AM, Blogger porchwise said...

Pulling out of Korea? My Air Force son just came home on leave and he's now enroute back to Cheyenne where he leaves Nov. lst for..guess where...Korea, for a years tour of duty.


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