Monday, October 31, 2005


whtfucover said...

Why should they? poorly managed city for over 60 years, they see the results, do the math.

karen said...

I totally agree, why should the poor black people come back if they are getting a better deal somewhere else.. Nagin has been a total joke and cannot seem to make up his mind what he wants to do!

You both are right. The city has been poorly managed and the fact that on July 23, 2004, FEMA pulled an exercise called Hurricane Pam, and that drill showed what the effects would be if a major hurricane were to hit New Orleans.


All the events that were predicted DID happen, yet they knew a year ahead of time what to expect and nothing was done to prepare for it. The levees weren't strengthened or raised in height, no evacuations plans were put into action, the shelters were not stocked with supplies. That was the leadership New Orleans had and now the mayor wants people to come back to that. New Orleans will be rebuilt but not with the same socio-economic make up as it had before. Those that were poor and unemployed moved and found employment elsewhere. A different type of New Orleans will develop there.


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