Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Sgt Fluffy said...

"The Republicans that primarily consist of the Salary class will be able to take off of work and vote and not have their paycheck affected."

WTF? What does that have to do with voting. Polls are open from what 7am to 7pm and employers are required BY LAW to allow people to vote. That comparison is so 1900's. Next you're gonna say they are going to bring back the poll tax.

A lot has to do with voter apathy. They don't feel like they are getting what they deserve so why bother. Then comes all the dirt that one party throws at another, all the negative campaigning doesn't really help. The people end up feeling that neither deserve the people's vote.

That happened here in Alabama in the 90's. This state as had a Demogratic Governor since Reconstruction, but in the late 1980s, we had two Democratic candidates that did nothing but negative campaigning, it got so bad that we elected our first Republican Governor in a very long time. People get tired of hearing it and they lose interest in voting.


At 2:15 PM, Blogger mojoala said...

Sarge I have on occasioned worked a job where I had to work 7am to 7pm on election day. The asshat republicans that own these said companies don't let you leave for voting if they know they can get away with it.

Production and the bottom line is all that matters.


I think the voting day should be open for the whole week, not just one day. But I doubt the Rich Republicans would go for it because that would open up the voting ability of all of those working class democrats.


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